i was just a child, young carefree child once back then.
let's see how i've grown.
i was a very young, pampered child. because i was the youngest, my sister and my mum gave me everything i wanted and i was never caned! the most was just kneeling in front of the altar.
the baby bolster, which i named my blog after. which lived with me up to 21 years. which is now, lying dearly next to my pillow. i wished i was young and had no responsibilities!
back at primary years, this is a prefectorial board picture. i was a prefect for a year till i realized the prefect thing wasn't for me, i settled in for a ketua kelas post. that's sabrina on the left!!! haha, coconut hair wtf. and that's kumutha devi, hi.
this was, form four. during church confirmation night. where's nat d cruz. haha. see, i was leggy back then too! hehe.
the best is yet to come =)
i am turning old! i dowan.
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