Sunday, July 10, 2011

Massive hitback.

And so, I thought I'd get back to blogging just for the sake of it. Then I thought of doing it all at one go and realize, crap, there's just too many pictures to be compressed in a post. From Christmas right up to Chinese New Year till now.

But anyhow, this blog has never quite been a commercial agenda. It has always been sort of personal to me. Thus the name tinybabybolster because my baby bolster holds most of my memories. So this place, a place for me to keep track of events which happens in life. Then work kicks in, the amount of time I have in a day seemed to have reduced drastically. Then there's the common reason why people stop talking about their lives, why people stop writing, why people forget the joy of penning down and reminiscing about the times before. It becomes sad when I lost touch in life, lost touch with myself. And so I thought, why not?

Wish me all the best, and hope I keep up with the writing momentum.

So here's bit and pieces, and there's really a whole load more to come.

Polka dot days with the girls. Sophia and Cynthia.

Levain, girlie tea time with Vien. It was her first time and you could see the excitement on her face. All girls love girlie tea time sessions, and plus the gossip, there's just nothing like that!

Random shopping outing at Pavilion. Sincerely apologize for the terrible photo quality. Al taken by my iPhone4.

More girlie tea time with this woman. This time at The Loaf, Empire Shopping Gallery. Can't tell you how much I love The Loaf.

The usual crazy session at Subway with out Italian BMTs in our hands, laughing at random topics and the usual 'ohh-ahhs' which keeps us well entertained by each other. With my man. :)

Then there's those once in a while visits to Papa Rich. Some outlets are just so pretty.

Absolute blurred out images. I enjoy my time with my hashbrown very much! Be it total silence over a cup of Java Chip or absolutely giggles over the dinner table or fighting over who offs the lights or the little arguments because just can't agree with each other.

I hope I will be back soon enough to continue updating. I have tonnes of pictures to go. And so much more to tell. I wish I gave a shit about taking more pictures in life. lol. Have a good Monday, but how good can a Monday ever be! BLUEEEEE!

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