anyways, no spoiler for anyone, just watch it. season three is actually out, and does anyone have it?
secondly, moments before this i was doing an 'emotional intelligence' quiz on fb. which someone asked me to do it. apparently my emotional intelligence isn't high. but i don't know, i find it actually very interesting. i have nil idea what does have high emotional intelligence. let's presume that it means being able to read people's emotions well or, idk. i'm sorry, but i just am not very emotionally driven. IDK why.
hey, does low EQ means having low emotions?? haha. because if that is, now i can tell why i am so brutal and spare no agony. i've been so...... heartless. always have been.
well, business people never allows collusion of emotions and business right?
recently, i've been reflecting a lot. (yes i do reflections) and every break up i've been through, i cried a time or two, and never ever talks about it, not to complete strangers to the situation. maybe a part of me has always loathed sympathy (why do people crave for sympathy? it's yuck and it's...degrading).
four years of pre-u and uni life has taught me a mile. how some people can be trusted, some are just pretentious, some who are truthful to be friends. i mean, wow, this world is definitely made up of a wide variety of people.
anyway, these are a bunch of great people. (someone now is saying all econs&finance students, are evil, because we caused the recession)
anyway, i wish to type more. and update more, but my life has been boring, except for that accident and new clothes. wth. but will be right back, wtf xoxo.
Disclaimer (This post is unrelated to the post)
Just two quick questions
1) Have you considered being a journalist or a magazine editor of your subject of interests ?
2) When I say GQ (Gentlemen's Quartely) does it ring a bell ?
Kevin Too Yip Jen
Hey kevin. haha.
firstly, journalism was my preferred major after i finished spm. however, lack of funds and erm, low variety of journalism courses in malaysia didn't help much =)) in my opinion, journalism n writing is a very subjective profession. and yes, of course if i had a chance to be a magazine editor, i'm totally up for it. =))
Gq is a men's magazine if i am not wrong. =))
Disclaimer (This comment is unrelated to the post BUT related to the prior discussion)
Anyways, this is a follow up. You might wonder why am I asking these questions ? What answers I might be seeking ? (Specifically referring to the second question here)
Well, let me explain. GQ is a magazine. At least in Australia and the culture in the more Western Countries like the UK, it is widely regarded as an authority to men's lifestyle. It is like Vogue, Vanity Fair, Cleo and the lot, to women.
It is understandable, why GQ has no presence in Malaysia or Singapore. Cause the male population just has not caught on the bug of reading lifestyle magazines, perhaps; or just could not be bothered to read at all.
However, I feel that the day will come, when it will be just part of the culture in Malaysia and Singapore. I just wanted to get a picture of what is the current state of awareness, people in Malaysia are in.
Make no mistake. Here in Australia, even the fairer sex are well versed with what GQ is all about.It also goes to show such is the authority of the magazine and the material it contains that are universal but skewed towards the men.
Dare I say this, if ever GQ ends up having a Malaysian Edition. I would surely like to be part of it.
As a person who writes about all things garment and etc.. (fashion + lifestyle), I reckon you are a good authority on the subject. Your comments are most welcomed and well be read, albeit it would be delayed (Exam period; as we all know)
Kevin Too Yip Jen
i am well aware that GQ is a men's lifestyle magazine (i watch a lot of tv). i have heard about it many times before.
however, we both should understand how men in malaysia accept the 'reading men's magazine' culture. most likely due to 'face' issues and being 'gay' about it. but malaysian men are evolving seriously. so in time, if GQ really steps into msia, it would be pleasant. but firstly, men in malaysia must accept the fact that, it is really not 'gay' to be reading lifestyle magazines =))
i must say, men these days have grown a lot in fashion, lifestyle aspects though.
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